How to Choose the Best Honey for Your Needs?

How to Choose the Best Honey for Your Needs?

For ages, honey has been known to be a medicinal cure. Earlier, due to limited variants, it was easy to choose and enjoy its natural sweetness. But now as the competition is on the rise, it has become quite confusing to choose the best honey for your needs, hasn’t it? The solution is here. 

In this guide, we have listed all the prominent types of honey, their benefits as well as the important factors that you must consider while ordering honey for your healthy well-being. Before any further thought strikes your mind, let’s move further. 

Types of Honey 

Many types of honey are currently available in the market. Which one would be suitable for your health? Come, let’s dig into each one of them and know the difference. 

Raw Honey

Often known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it is extracted directly from the hive. Without any processing or heating, it is packed for consumption. Since it does not involve any further processing, it retains the natural enzymes, antioxidants, and pollen - necessary to stay healthy. This truly raw honey, works great for wounds, etc. 

Organic Honey

This is honey-bees’ honey. Collected from organically produced flowers, they are free from herbicides, pesticides, and other fertilizers. To ensure it is safe, it undergoes various testing procedures to meet industry standards. Similar to raw honey, it contains nutrients and other enzymes that can be used for maintaining a healthy and stable immune system. 

Cold Processed Honey 

Cold-processed honey is the one that is extracted and stored without heating. Unlike the traditional processed honey which is often heated to avoid crystallization, this honey retains its natural state, aroma and texture. For those looking for a rich taste and health boost, you must look forward to this honey. For instance, HoneyAllDay is India’s 1st cold-processed honey. You can visit here to learn about it.

Crystallized Honey 

Crystallization is a natural process where the sugar contained in honey (fructose and glucose) forms small granules. This does not indicate that it is spoiled, rather it states that it is raw and natural honey. The texture of this honey can be creamy or smooth, depending on its source. So, to make it easy to consume, people tend to store it in warm water. This can further be used in deserts, toasts, etc. 

Filtered Honey 

Pasteurized, strained, and processed honey - all fall into this category. As they are well-treated to improve their texture and clarity, they reduce the natural appearance and enzymes that are essential for health. Heated to high temperatures, they are more stable as compared to raw or organic honey but have fewer nutrients. If you prefer a smooth, liquid honey you must get this one! 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Honey

There are multiple factors that are essential when choosing honey. They are as follows:

  • Certifications 

To meet the quality, safety, and purity standards, honey must be certified by NMR, FSSAI, Agmark, ISO, etc. Before you make a buying decision, ensure that the honey is certified by them.

  • Source 

The floral source of honey often affects its nutrients, taste, and texture. Honey can be monofloral (extracted from a single type of flower) or multifloral (extracted from many nectars). It is often recommended to go with locally sourced ones, as it is more fresh and packed with natural nutrients.

  • Purity 

As mentioned above, many types of honey may look pure and natural. But to verify its purity, it’s always better to perform some simple tests at home such as a burn test, water test, etc. To know about it, read further.

  • Taste 

The taste of honey differs in nature. The flavours can vary from rich, and mild to floral and earthy. As stated earlier, even the way of processing and storing affects its natural taste and texture. Considering this, you must choose the best one for your needs.

  • Price 

The price of the honey depends on various factors such as quality, certifications, and origin. For example, HoneyAllDay offers India’s 1st cold-processed NMR-tested raw honey. As it is ethically sourced, it is packed with natural health benefits and thus it is a bit expensive as compared to others. Whereas, processed honey is more affordable but does not provide health benefits. 

Ways to Test Honey 

There are many ways to test the purity of the honey. Here are some of them to perform at home: 

Thumb Test

  • Take a drop of honey on your thumb 
  • If it is thick and stays in the same place, it is pure honey 
  • If it spreads or falls down, it is fake honey

Burn Test

  • Take a matchstick, fill it with honey, and light it 
  • If honey starts burning, it is pure 
  • If it doesn’t, then probably it contains some added moisture 

Water Test

  • Take one spoonful of honey and pour it into a glass of water 
  • If it starts settling toward the bottom, it indicates its purity 
  • If it starts dissolving, it is an adulterated honey

Health Benefits of Honey 

Now that you are aware of how to choose the best honey, let’s dive into its health benefits. 

Improves Immunity 

Organic and raw honey often has natural antibacterial and other compounds that can help to enhance your immune system and prevent infections. 

Supports Bone Health 

In general, honey is considered to be rich in magnesium, calcium and other essential nutrients. Consuming it on a daily basis can help to enrich bones and prevent several diseases and conditions such as osteoporosis. 

Reduces the Risk of Cancer and Heart Diseases

Introducing honey in your daily diet can help to minimize oxidative stress, bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of multiple chronic illnesses that may lead to cancer. 

Treats Cough and Cold 

Naturally, honey has antibacterial and soothing properties that can be used as a natural medicine for coughs, sore throats, and even respiratory infections. 

Thus finding the right type of honey for your health is not a big challenge. With the right knowledge, practice, and testing techniques you can choose the best one that can be beneficial for your well-being.

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