Truly Raw honey is believed to possess many health benefits, including being a natural source of vitamins and minerals. Raw honey has not been pasteurized or filtered. It’s as pure and unprocessed as honey can get. It also retains all the enzymes, minerals, and vitamins found in natural bee honey. In a hive, normal honey goes through several different phases: vernal (first flow), autumnal (second flow), and then winter honey. When we think of raw honey, it’s generally believed to be the winter honey that’s harvested by beekeepers for human consumption. This type of raw honey is also referred to as final or finished raw honey due to its final state after being stored over the winter months.
What are the benefits of Truly Raw Honey?
First, it’s important to note that raw honey has not been heated and processed in any way. It’s just as pure as honey can get and has not been pasteurized, which means it has not been altered in any way by being heated to high temperatures. Due to its lack of processing and cleanliness, raw honey has many health benefits. Raw honey contains more pollen, vitamins, and minerals due to not being filtered. It also retains the enzymes that can assist with the digestive process and immune system. If you are concerned about allergies, raw honey may be the better option for you.
Helps you breathe easier
One of the biggest health benefits of raw honey is that it can help you breathe easier. Raw honey is believed to be a natural way to relieve allergies and seasonal allergies due to its high pollen content. Pollen is what your body reacts to when you have seasonal allergies. The pollen in raw honey is very similar to the pollen that triggers allergies, so it can help to stop your body from overreacting to allergens. Raw honey is also believed to be a natural cough suppressant. If you have a cough and are looking for a natural remedy, raw honey may be one of the best options for you. Honey has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and high amounts of iron, both of which can help with a cough.
Promotes eye and skin health
Raw honey is believed to be a natural source of antioxidants due to its lack of processing. Antioxidants are important for eye and skin health as they help to reduce the signs of aging. Antioxidants are also beneficial for eye health, as they can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness among older adults. Antioxidants are also believed to be beneficial for skin health, as they can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and promote a youthful glow. One of the skin health benefits of raw honey is that it may help to reduce acne and other skin issues. Raw honey’s high acidity level and natural antibiotic properties can help to reduce bacteria that cause breakouts. Honey can also be used as a face mask to promote skin health and fight signs of aging.
A natural antibiotic
Raw honey has been shown to contain natural antibiotic properties, which can be a huge benefit in today’s antibiotic-resistant world. The natural antibiotic properties in raw honey can also help to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that may be dangerous to your health. Researchers have found that eating raw honey or applying it topically may help to fight infections, particularly gastrointestinal infections. Raw honey has been shown to be effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, including Salmonella, E. coli, and Staph infections. Keep in mind that while the benefits of eating raw honey or applying raw honey topically are that it’s a natural antibiotic, it may not work quickly enough to fight a serious infection. You should always seek medical attention if you’re suffering from a serious infection.
Helps with digestion
Due to raw honey’s high acidity level and high sugar content, it’s been shown to be beneficial for the digestive system. The digestive benefits of raw honey are similar to what happens when you eat fermented foods, like sauerkraut or kimchi. Raw honey contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can be used to help with digestion. Due to raw honey’s high sugar content, the probiotics in it are generally killed off. However, you can help the probiotics survive in raw honey by storing it in a jar or keeping it at room temperature. The digestive health benefits of raw honey may also include helping you lose weight. Eating raw honey or drinking honey tea is a great way to add sweetness to your diet without adding excess calories.
Other benefits: Helping you lose weight, relieving stress, and more!
These are just a few of the many benefits of raw honey. Raw honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce swelling and pain. Raw honey may also be beneficial for heart health due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Eating raw honey is also believed to be a natural way to relieve stress. The high levels of antioxidants in raw honey can help your body to fight against free radicals, which can cause damage to your cells and lead to things like cellular damage and mutations that can lead to cancer. The antioxidants found in raw honey can help to fight against these harmful effects of free radicals, which can help reduce stress.
How can you know if your honey is raw or not?
Not all honey is created equal, and not all of it is raw. To find out if your honey is raw, look for a label on the jar that says “100% truly raw honey.” If your honey doesn’t have this label on it, you may not be able to tell if it’s raw or not. There are a few ways to tell if your honey is raw. First of all, you can look at the label. If there is no processing information listed, it may be raw. You can also look at the jar and see if it’s been filtered and heated. If there’s a lot of gunk and debris on the jar, it may not be raw.
Should you eat raw honey for its health benefits?
Yes! Raw honey is a great addition to your diet and can offer many health benefits. However, keep in mind that you should only be eating a small amount of raw honey each week due to its high sugar content. About two tablespoons of raw honey per week are the recommended amount that you should be eating. Too much raw honey could cause issues such as digestive problems, weight gain, and high blood sugar. If you have allergies or are sensitive to honey, you should avoid consuming raw honey completely. Raw honey contains pollen that can trigger allergies.
Raw honey is believed to be a natural source of many vitamins and minerals due to its lack of processing. It also has many health benefits, including being a natural source of antioxidants and a natural antibiotic. In order to reap these benefits from raw honey, you should only be eating about two tablespoons per week.