As true honey lovers, we are often faced with the dilemma of choosing the best honey from various options available in the market. But at the same time, as true honey lovers, we are often left unsatiated with our quest for truly raw, pure honey.
True honey lovers know that no honey tastes the same. Truly raw honey has a distinct, varied taste each time, depending on its floral sources, place of origin, climate and the surrounding environment. With just one taste of real honey, you can relish the truly raw essence of the region it comes from.
Apart from its undistinguished taste, truly raw honey is the source of many essential nutrients and enzymes that are vital for the human body to build immunity and resistance to various diseases. For this purpose, truly raw honey is also considered to be the elixir of nature. These enzymes and nutrients present in truly raw honey help fight diseases like anaemia, cancer, digestive problems and other such chronic diseases.
Truly raw honey also has high pollen content. The pollen is a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it super healthy. Studies have linked bee pollen and its compounds to health benefits such as decreased inflammation, improved immunity, aiding menopausal symptoms and wound healing. These are just some of the benefits of truly raw honey and the list is never-ending.
But when it comes to buying commercial honey, we are all deprived of these benefits. This is because the honey is processed using a heat-processing technique that affects the nutritional composition of honey. Heat-processing is a technique where honey is heated up to 70 degrees Celsius to pasteurize the honey and make it thin (so that it can easily pass through micro-mesh filters). This also makes the honey appear glossier and tempting so as to make it visually appealing. But during this process, the high temperatures kill the important enzymes and reduce nutrition value. This process also filters out important substances such as pollen, which is touted by herbalists as an exceptionally nutritious food.
Honey is usually high in moisture and the moisture content needs to be reduced (to avoid yeast production) and this can be done by heating. But when honey is heated above 37 degrees Celsius, studies suggest that it can kill up to 200 essential enzymes. This is why usually commercially produced honey does not have the truly raw essence of the region.
At Honey All Day, we understand the importance of consuming truly raw honey and that is why we came up with a solution. Instead of relying on the heat-processing technique that kills the essence of truly raw honey, we use a distinct cold-processing technique to reduce the moisture and keep the nutritional value of truly raw honey intact.
We store the honey in a vacuum chamber up to 30 degrees and with constant slow stirring reduce the moisture to 17-18%. This takes around 3-5 days but retains all the enzymes of the honey. Throughout the entire process, honey is not heated anywhere above 36 degrees (which is the natural temperature of the hive). We also strain the honey using a large mesh, which only filter out things like body parts of Bees, Twigs, Leaves etc. Cold honey flows slow so this takes a while. But once it is filtered, we check the moisture content. Once the moisture is reduced, honey can be stored for years and years without yeast getting activated and fermenting it. To retain the taste of truly raw honey, we store it at 15-18 degrees Celsius.